Thankful !

I am thankful for family.

its is family care about me .

I see my family loves me.

I love their smiles and theirs hug

I am thankful my family.


I feel happy have new friend.

I wonder if They love me.

I try be there for them.

I can make them laugh a lot.

I am Thankful for friends.


I know love to watch tv.

I understand watching too much Tv.

Im fortunate because I have a Tv.

i dream watching tv whole time.

i am thankful for tv.

World Peace .

I want world peace. I want freedom. I don´t want no possessions. i want no more countries.

I want freedom for the world. I want to free the slave. I want white and black people to be friendly. I want everybody want be friendly each other.

I don´t want no possession in our worlds. People don´t want share their land. People don´t want share to us. People don´t want share anything to us.

i don´t no more counties in this world. i don´t want counties fight each other. i don´t want People fight each other.

that is why we need a peace world.

i wish we could a peace world.